Killing Jesus


There are many characters in Killing Jesus so I will outline the main characters.


Jesus is the main character who the book is mostly written about. He lived to an age in his 30's. He lived approximately from 4 B.C - 33 A.D.

Herod the Great

Herod the Great is what I would call the first Hitler because of his mass slaughter of all male babies in Bethlehem. He was a very sick person (literally sick, he had many terrible diseases) who only cared about money, fame, power and his own pleasure.

Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate became the Governer of Judea as just a guy who tried to keep the peace between the Roman Empire and the Jewish people. Although he definitely made some very bad descions.

John the Baptist

John the Baptist preached about Jesus' coming and told all to repent and be baptized so to have clean hearts when the Lord comes. John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin and was born just a few months before Jesus.

Mary (Jesus' Mother)

Mary was Jesus' mother and was born without any sin. Mary never sinned in her entire life.

Joseph (Jesus' Father)

Joseph was Jesus' father and taught Jesus many carpentry skills. He was key to Jesus' childhood and development.

Jewish Authority

The Jewish Authority were always trying to make Jesus say something that went against the teachings of prophets. They were always trying to find a way to get rid of Jesus. The Jewish Authority were jealous and selfish people.

Jesus' Apostles

Jesus' Apostles were his best friends all throughout his ministry. They were the ones who Jesus trusted most. Though Judas was greedy and let Jesus down by betraying him to the Jewish Authority.